Looking For Kizomba/ Urban Kiz
Classes in Dallas?
Classes in Dallas?
KizPassion is a collective of dancers, teachers, and promoters who are passionate about growing the kizomba and urbankiz scene in Dallas.
We fell in love with Kizomba (and urban kiz, semba, taraxhina, afrohouse) and became determined to get better.
Kizomba is an absolutely addictive dance style.
Be cautious. It will grab a hold of you in a way that other dance styles simply don’t.
Our mission & Passion:
🔥 Grow Awareness of #Kizomba & #UrbanKiz
🔥 Share Stories From the Growing community
🔥 Organize & Promote Dance Opportunities
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Look at all these beautiful smiling faces. Join Us!
Kizomba is an AFRICAN dance that originates in Angola, AFRICA. it gre in popularity in Europe as it progressed to the U.S. Along the way UrbanKiz was developed and grew in popularity along the way.
The connection within kizomba is what makes it special, yet challenging.
It only takes a few hours to begin to dance it, but a lifetime to master. To many it looks like a simple dance, but that’s where it can get complicated… in it’s simplicity