I’ve had a little secret that I’ve been dying to share for a couple of months. Then I got the go-ahead to share and have been too busy to write something appropriate.

Hell, they might already be here already and unpacking.

Allow me to introduce you to Allen Harris from HarrisKizomba.

He and his little family are moving here, and I’m excited to have him join our community.

Allen and his wife helped build a beautiful thriving in San Diego over the last several years.

Don’t let his red beard fool ya.

The man can dance and has swag, swag, swag. And he’s incredibly driven to help introduce kizomba and semba to more people.

He’s told me that he plans on teaching once he gets settled in and has his footing.

We have fantastic individuals who are teaching urbankiz already. I’m excited to have someone handling the kizomba and semba side of things in our community.

I almost forgot to mention that he’s a master meme maker. He will have you laughing.
So be on the lookout.

One last thing, don’t let the red beard fool ya.